333 ./spec/controllers/venues_controller_spec.rb
333 ./spec/models/source_parser_ical_spec.rb
350 ./spec/models/venue_spec.rb
411 ./spec/controllers/sources_controller_spec.rb
550 ./app/models/event.rb
867 ./spec/controllers/events_controller_spec.rb
982 ./spec/models/event_spec.rb
"results": [
"page": 1,
"url": "http://www.lexpublib.org/event/friends-of-library-booksale-uk-chandler-medical-center",
"collection1": [
"title": "Friends of the Library Booksale: UK Chandler Medical Center",
"venue": "Other Location",
"access_notes": "See Description",
"description": "Friends of the Library will be have books for sale at the UK Chandler Medical Center.",
"start_time": "Wednesday, May 21st - 8:00 AM"
1.9.3-p484 :002 > 'xxfindmexx'.gsub(/xx(findme)xx/, '\1')
=> "findme"
# note that double quotes around \1 interprets it as a unicode escape
1.9.3-p484 :003 > 'xxfindmexx'.gsub(/xx(findme)xx/, "\1")
=> "\u0001"